Friday, 2 October 2015


In Crusader Kings 2, there are eight levels of technology. Level 0 is 700 AD technology, Level 1 is 800 AD technology, and so on, up until Level 8, which corresponds to 1500 AD technology levels.

Obviously, this is insufficient for Cu&Si, which has a start date 3700 years before 700 AD and an end date at least 500 years after 1500 AD.

To fix this, the new years for technology levels will be as follows:
  • Level 0: 3000 BC (Bronze)
  • Level 1: 1000 BC (Iron)
  • Level 2: 300 BC (Ancient)
  • Level 3: 500 AD (Early Medieval)
  • Level 4: 1000 AD (Medieval)
  • Level 5: 1500 AD (Early Modern)
  • Level 6: 1800 AD (Industrial)
  • Level 7: 2000 AD (Modern)
  • Level 8: 2050 AD (Future)
Before a province can accumulate technology at all, however, it must first develop agriculture. This means that hunter-gatherers will always be stuck at bronze age technology.

Even with these eight redistributed levels, there are huge gaps in technology: there is a huge difference between 1800 AD and 2000 AD technology, for example. To fix this, the direct bonuses from technology will be removed. Instead, technology will only unlock buildings that can be built inside holdings.

The cost and build time of these holdings will be such that there is a smooth progression between the technology levels. Hopefully, this system will create an engaging technology experience.

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