One problem that will need to be faced in Cu&Si is the problem of colonisation. Many regions of the world were just completely uninhabited in 3000 BC. Even Iceland, a feature of the stock CK2 map, was barren of people until 874, meaning that it is already ahistorical before the 1066 start date, but going back further would only exacerbate the problems.
To fix this, provinces that would be otherwise devoid of people will be controlled by a placeholder 'Wasteland' character, who can be warred against with a colonisation CB in order to take control of the province. This will then give you control of the province, which will be completely empty of holdings.
To add more challenge to colonisation, empty provinces will require expenditure of money and prestige to maintain the player's control over them (so long as the player is not a nomad or a hunter-gatherer). There will be events that allow the player to either lose control of the province, giving it up to either a randomly generated character or a dummy wasteland character depending on the level of settlement of the province, or to pay a large amount of gold to continue the settlement of the province.
Whilst newly colonised provinces will initially be very expensive, in time they will be able to be developed to the level of ordinary provinces
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