Monday 10 August 2015

Governments 2

Here are all the government types I have planned, as well as brief descriptions of some mechanics.

  • Monarchy - This is what CKII calls 'Feudal', named more neutrally for pre- and post-Feudal monarchist states (such as the Roman Empire and early modern France).
  • Imperial - Whilst CKII treats Imperial administration as a feudal law, Cu&Si will split this off into a separate government type.
  • Iqta
  • Republic - These will have patrician families, like merchant republics, and be playable.
  • Merchant Republic
  • Dictatorship - Similar to republics, however monarchist inheritance laws are available
  • Hunter-Gatherer - These will be similar to nomads, however retinues will only be light infantry, succession is gavelkind, and titles can not be created.
  • Nomad -  These will no longer be forced to be Emperor rank.
  • Theocracy - These will be playable.
  • Tribal - These will be similar to CKII tribes, however titles can not be created.
  • Chiefdom - What CKII calls "Tribal"
  • Clan Council - Similar to chiefdoms, but with clan vassals.

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